Hidden Costs of Studying in Canada: Every Indian Student Should Know

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Hidden Costs of Studying in Canada Every Indian Student Should Know
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When planning to study in Canada, most Indian students and their families focus on major expenses such as tuition fees, accommodation, and travel. However, several hidden costs can catch you off guard. Understanding these lesser-known expenses will help you budget better and avoid financial surprises. Here are six of the most relevant hidden costs to consider:

1. Medical Insurance Premiums

Despite Canadian healthcare being publicly funded, international students must buy medical insurance. The cost varies from province to province, as well as the type of coverage, usually from around CAD 600 to 900 per year. Some provinces offer health plans that cover international students; others require the students to have private insurance. For example, in British Columbia and Manitoba, students can be enrolled in provincial health plans, while those in Ontario would need private insurance. You need to know what your university and province require to avoid unexpected medical bills.

2. Student Services Fees

Most universities charge additional fees for various student services such as orientation programs, health and wellness services, and extracurricular activities. These compulsory fees can add up to a considerable sum each semester. For instance, at some universities the yearly amount of these fees is between CAD 300 and 800. These costs pay for campus facilities and services geared towards enhancing student life but often overlooked during budgeting.

3. Textbooks and Course Materials

In Canada, students are typically expected to buy their own textbooks and course materials, which can be quite expensive. Depending on the program, textbooks can cost between CAD 800 and 1,500 per year. Some courses may also require additional materials, such as lab equipment or software licenses, adding to the overall cost. Planning for these expenses in advance can help manage your budget more effectively.

To save money, consider:

  • Buying used textbooks.
  • Renting textbooks.
  • Sharing materials with classmates.
  • Using library resources.

4. Winter Clothing and Gear

Canada is known for its harsh winters, and proper winter clothing is essential. High-quality coats, boots, gloves, and other winter gear can be costly but are necessary to stay warm and safe. Expect to spend between CAD 300 and 800 on winter clothing. It’s advisable to buy these items once you arrive in Canada to ensure they are suitable for the local weather conditions.

5. Public Transportation Costs

Some cities have discounted fares for students on public transit, but it can still be expensive. For instance, monthly passes for public transport range from CAD 70 to 120, depending on the city. Travel expenditure might be more if your campus is located far away. When you choose where to live and plan your daily travel, make sure that these costs are included.

6. Phone and Internet Bills

Staying connected is important, and phone and internet bills in Canada can be higher than expected. For example, comprehensive mobile plans with international calling and data may cost between CAD 50 – 100 monthly. In addition, home internet services may require another CAD 40-70 monthly. Comparing different service providers and plans would help you find the most favorable rates in relation to such recurring expenses.

Tips to reduce these costs:

  • Look for student discounts.
  • Use Wi-Fi whenever possible.
  • Choose a plan that fits your needs.


Studying in Canada is a fantastic opportunity, but being aware of these hidden costs will help you manage your finances more effectively. By planning and budgeting for these expenses, you can focus on your studies and enjoy your time in Canada without financial stress.

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