How to Combat Homesickness as an Indian Student Abroad?

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How to Combat Homesickness as an Indian Student Abroad?
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Understanding Homesickness: What It Is and Why It Happens

Feeling homesick is something many students who study in another country go through. Feeling homesick means missing your home, family, friends, and the usual daily life. This will come as a result of everything around a person changing all of a sudden, like culture, the way people do things, and being far from loved ones.

Feeling homesick means one is sad, worried, or wanting to go back home. Realizing that this is quite a normal feeling when things change a lot can help you overcome it. Seeing that others feel similarly can also make one feel better. But most importantly, it is the realization of the feelings with an initiative toward handling them.

Staying Connected: Leveraging Technology to Keep in Touch

One can easily keep in touch with family and friends today. Video calls, instant messaging, and social media all allow a person to feel close, even when literally far apart. Setting up regular times to chat online allows one to feel connected and supported.

It’s also worth joining online groups and forums of other students from India to feel a part of the community. These contacts will provide emotional support, and one would not be so lonely. One shall keep a good balance between the new life abroad and the roots back at home.

Building a Support Network: Making Friends and Finding Communities

Friendships are a necessity in the new country, and this is key to avoiding homesickness. Reaching out to university clubs, cultural organizations, and student groups allows one to get acquainted with different people and form communities.

Getting together with other international students who may be going through similar situations can be mutually supportive. Associations of local Indian students are very comforting in providing one with a venue to celebrate cultural events and traditions.

You will feel at home as well if you have close friends among your classmates or neighbors. Such friendships will provide you with practical help, psychological support, and security in the new place.

Embracing Cultural Differences: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

One of the key things to do while studying abroad is the embracing of cultural differences. Looking at them as learning and growth opportunities might significantly help one overcome homesickness. Joining in the local customs, festivals, and traditions might make students feel more connected and appreciate their new country.

Trying different foods, visiting places of local interest, and engaging in cultural exchange programs give new experiences and change one’s outlook on the world. On the other hand, adjustment challenges turn out to be opportunities for personal growth and a better understanding of cultures with an open mind and a positive attitude.

Creating a Home Away from Home: Personalizing Your Space

Making one’s living space seem and feel like home can go a long way toward relaxing while one is studying abroad. It can be done by getting some things from home, like photos, decorations, or even your favorite bedding, to make the place actually feel very cozy and comfortable.

Add elements of Indian culture through traditional artwork, textiles, and even a small kitchen setup that can help you prepare your favorite dishes. You can maintain similar routines to those at home by following the morning rituals or leisure activities.

It is these little efforts at making the atmosphere more homely that provide emotional comfort and thus decrease homesickness.

Engaging in Activities: Keeping Busy and Staying Positive

Staying busy and being involved will definitely ward off homesickness. Students should get involved in clubs, sports teams, or volunteer organizations that help them meet new friends while keeping themselves active.

Keeping the mind occupied by learning about the local area, going to events at the university, and engaging in hobbies will help keep homesickness at bay and add to the sensation of accomplishment. A well-rounded schedule with academic commitments, socializing, and personal time definitely contributes to a fulfilling routine.

It’s essential to maintain a positive attitude about staying abreast of the various opportunities and experiences brought by studying abroad to help shift concentration away from homesickness toward personal growth and enjoyment.

Feeling homesick while studying abroad? HelloUni is here to help you adjust to and thrive in your new environment with personalized support. Make friends, embrace cultural differences, and make your new home truly yours. Join HelloUni today and turn your overseas journey into something unforgettable!


How do international students deal with homesickness?

Isolating yourself will make your feelings more intense, as you’ll spend even more time thinking about what you miss from home. Try to keep yourself busy by organizing day trips, studying at the library rather than in your room, getting a part-time job, or even trying out some extracurricular activities.

Why is studying abroad challenging homesickness?

Starting from scratch in a new country where you don’t know anyone and the cultural differences such as the weather, food, and language.

How long does homesickness last when studying abroad?

It is normal to feel homesick in your first few weeks or months of studying abroad, you will just need to give yourself time to find your feet. You will be exploring a new city, experiencing a new culture, meeting new people, learning new content and creating new routines.

What triggers homesickness?

This can be caused by missing family and friends, feeling isolated in an unfamiliar environment, or struggling to adjust to your academic workload. It is also normal to feel homesick in the weeks following the Christmas and Easter breaks after spending time back home.